Join us for the 15th Annual High Tea – all ages welcome!
We are excited to announce the 2024 High Tea is Sold Out!
There will be door prizes and basket raffles
A selection of sandwiches, fruit, tea and desserts will be provided!
Bring your own dishes, silver, tablecloth and decorations!
$20 per adult / $10 children under 10
Saturday, May 4, 2024
United Methodist Church of Livonia
21 Summers Street
Livonia, NY 14487
Table Set Up: 1:30 PM
Event Starts: 2:00 PM
Proceeds will go to the Teresa House, a two-bedroom comfort care home in the Village of Geneseo. Teresa House offers this facility to residents of Livingston County and surrounding areas who are nearing the end of a terminal illness, and to their families, by providing a home care environment filled with love, dignity and support. The staff and volunteers at the House carry out their mission of providing care physically, emotionally and spiritually to the residents and their families during the last precious days of life and extends this care into the bereavement process.